Buying a house is probably the largest and often most stressful purchase that you are likely to make therefore it makes sense to obtain as much professional advice and help that you can before proceeding beyond the point of exchanging any contract.
Think before you buy. Do I need a survey? In the vast majority of cases prospective buyers tend to rely on their mortgage valuation or even upon their own intuition. This is generally not a sound idea and it is almost always worthwhile commissioning an independent survey and/or valuation by one of our highly experienced Chartered Surveyors.
When looking at a property to purchase don’t just be guided by first impressions or personal feelings. It is essential that you take professional advice. A survey can be undertaken at minimal cost in relation to the overall purchase price of most properties these days and can offer considerable peace of mind that your acquisition is not going to prove to be a costly mistake. The right advice via Godfrey-Payton may well save you money and in extreme cases may prevent you making a very expensive mistake.
Choosing the right level of survey and indeed Surveyor is important. A good Surveyor will talk you through all survey options, quote a firm price and provide terms of engagement. Make sure as well that your Surveyor has the right local knowledge which is important especially when moving to an area not already well known to you.
Contact: Alistair Graham and Thomas Biddle
Godfrey-Payton are well respected and long established Chartered Surveyors with Head Office in Warwick and further offices in Coventry and Market Harborough. We have detailed knowledge of the majority of locations throughout the Midlands area and continually strive to provide a high quality service to each of our clients. We are especially proud of our independence and are not tied to any bank, lender or institution which allows us to give our clients considered, honest and impartial advice in a straightforward and easy to understand manner.
We are able to carry out a wide variety of surveys and valuations for most purposes on almost all types of property. If unbiased professional advice is required Godfrey-Payton can provide it.
Our expert team undertake a wide variety of surveys and will be pleased to advise as to the most suitable report to meet your individual requirements, such as defects inspections and analysis, RICS HomeBuyer Report, Building Surveys, Condition Report, Property Maintenance or a Record of Condition if you are renting out a property.
Valuations are undertaken to the strictest of standards in order to comply with current professional and legal guidelines, by Valuers qualified under the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor’s Valuer Registration Scheme, for purchase, lease, sale, probate, secured lending and family transfer. Specific valuations can also be carried out for expert witness, capital taxation and stocktaking.
In addition we are able to carry out valuations for the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (AMC), banks and other lending institutions for agricultural land and farms, residential and commercial properties and development sites.
Our survey and valuation services are in full compliance with RICS Red Book Guidance.